Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

Today was so good. I loved being back with the kids. In both the kinders and the part time preschool there were some new kids I had not met before. They were so adorable. We don’t’ have Maria anymore because the other cdc center is open again cuz the holidays are over. So thank goodness there. I couldn’t stand that girl. And I got Tyree back in the kinders. He is such a handful, but I love him. I about kicked Josephine today in the face. She was whining so much and I couldn’t even believe it. Whining about the mats, whining about the swings, whining about the toys, the paper towels, the snack. And she’s not even one of the cute ones who can like get away with it. It is just super annoying. Sigh. I am the lead in the classroom tomorrow and Friday, and I’m so whipping that girl into shape. Worst whiner I’ve ever seen, which after last summer is saying something.

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