Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 12, 2011

Today was a great day! The kids were just adorable. There were only four of them in the Preschool, which was really weird, since it is not break or anything anymore. But w/e. Silvia had to leave early anyways so i was left alone with the four adorable kids. We took some really cute pictures, and it was Awesome! We also played more with the crayola model magic stuff, which the kids call magic playdough. It is super cute because they ask all the time to see it. Mylie's dad is gone to the states for a week and it made her really sad. I guess this is the first time she has really been away from him ever, which for military kids is pretty good. Well at least the first time that she can remember or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what her mom said. But she is so cute and just very clingy to me and I love it. I am going to miss her so much. And the kinders rocked. No Tyree, but Josephine was nuts and like whiney, but w/e. Loves night

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