Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

Well, today was the second to last day at the center. It was really sad, and I almost started crying a couple of times. I just love these kids so much already. And the group. I would have loved to spend the summer with my three girls, Jesa, Jessica, and Sarah. They are amazing, and I am so blessed to have had them for these past four weeks. I had my preschoolers today, there were only six, but they are the core ones that I adore. Haiden was more talkative, I swear he is usually asleep for like the first half an hour or so. Silvia was in a meeting for the first little bit, and so I just chilled with the kids and did art and then was reading stories. Mylie and Kacy were both sitting on my lap at the same time while I read them story after story. I thought it was so cute. It is the last few days and I just couldn't not let them sit on my lap when I am never going to see them again. Gosh, so sad. And then when Silvia came back we made bracelets, which was awesome. This may sound a little lame, but I am always so proud of all my art projects and I save them. I either take pictures of them, take them home, or save them to show to Dillon. I feel like a little kid wanting him to see my art and feel proud of me. A little lame, but I have been hanging around the kids quite a bit In the kinder room today, Riley and Landyn made me a bunch of cards and cute stuff. Everytime i would walk over they were like, no you can't look until we were done. I am going to miss them so much. Landyn made me an invitation to a fake party they had set up on a table. I don't know what I'm going to do without these adorable kids. In the kinders, there were four little boys sitting on my lap at the same time. Two on my knees, and then two further up on like my thighs. I don't know how they managed it, but they all fit ok. I will miss my kinders a little more than my babies in preschool just because I have more of a connection with them. The kids that age, like my ones this summer are just starting to be able to make actual connections with people, and its just different. My babies in preschool are so amazing and I will never ever forget them though. Especially Mylie and Haiden. (I know finally a girl on my favorites list lol). I can only hope that the children I have someday are as adorable. Well, it is like midnight and I am finished packing mostly and finished watching Harry Potter, the fourth movie, with Jesa. I should very probably go to bed. We are planning on staying up all night tomorrow so we will sleep on the plane and adjust better. Goodnight, and til tomorrow. This time I will try to keep the tears to a minimum.

January 13, 2011

Well, today was the second to last day at the center. It was really sad, and I almost started crying a couple of times. I just love these kids so much already. And the group. I would have loved to spend the summer with my three girls, Jesa, Jessica, and Sarah. They are amazing, and I am so blessed to have had them for these past four weeks. I had my preschoolers today, there were only six, but they are the core ones that I adore. Haiden was more talkative, I swear he is usually asleep for like the first half an hour or so. Silvia was in a meeting for the first little bit, and so I just chilled with the kids and did art and then was reading stories. Mylie and Kacy were both sitting on my lap at the same time while I read them story after story. I thought it was so cute. It is the last few days and I just couldn't not let them sit on my lap when I am never going to see them again. Gosh, so sad. And then when Silvia came back we made bracelets, which was awesome. This may sound a little lame, but I am always so proud of all my art projects and I save them. I either take pictures of them, take them home, or save them to show to Dillon. I feel like a little kid wanting him to see my art and feel proud of me. A little lame, but I have been hanging around the kids quite a bit In the kinder room today, Riley and Landyn made me a bunch of cards and cute stuff. Everytime i would walk over they were like, no you can't look until we were done. I am going to miss them so much. Landyn made me an invitation to a fake party they had set up on a table. I don't know what I'm going to do without these adorable kids. In the kinders, there were four little boys sitting on my lap at the same time. Two on my knees, and then two further up on like my thighs. I don't know how they managed it, but they all fit ok. I will miss my kinders a little more than my babies in preschool just because I have more of a connection with them. The kids that age, like my ones this summer are just starting to be able to make actual connections with people, and its just different. My babies in preschool are so amazing and I will never ever forget them though. Especially Mylie and Haiden. (I know finally a girl on my favorites list lol). I can only hope that the children I have someday are as adorable. Well, it is like midnight and I am finished packing mostly and finished watching Harry Potter, the fourth movie, with Jesa. I should very probably go to bed. We are planning on staying up all night tomorrow so we will sleep on the plane and adjust better. Goodnight, and til tomorrow. This time I will try to keep the tears to a minimum.

January 12, 2011

Today was a great day! The kids were just adorable. There were only four of them in the Preschool, which was really weird, since it is not break or anything anymore. But w/e. Silvia had to leave early anyways so i was left alone with the four adorable kids. We took some really cute pictures, and it was Awesome! We also played more with the crayola model magic stuff, which the kids call magic playdough. It is super cute because they ask all the time to see it. Mylie's dad is gone to the states for a week and it made her really sad. I guess this is the first time she has really been away from him ever, which for military kids is pretty good. Well at least the first time that she can remember or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what her mom said. But she is so cute and just very clingy to me and I love it. I am going to miss her so much. And the kinders rocked. No Tyree, but Josephine was nuts and like whiney, but w/e. Loves night

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

It is 1/11/11!!!!!! That is so cool. The only thing that will be cooler is in November when it is 11/11/11!!!!! I know. I am pretty excited by some really dumb stuff. But w/e. Today was a great day. My preschoolers were so cute. I took some recordings of Haiden talking because it is so cute, and I need to get some of Miley. I am going to miss these kids so much. Miley is just the cuttest little cuddly girl ever. It is nice working with the CDC instead of SAC (Child development center instead of school age children, who are the older ones) because we are allowed to pick them up and sit them on our laps. I think it was dumb this summer that I was not allowed to. Even though they were going into first grade, they were still so young and wanted to all the time. Stupid liability crap. Anyways, I loved being with them all today. Except Kayla pisses me off sometimes. She whines about the dumbest stuff and makes me really angry. The other kids whine, but not every single stinking time something doesn't go their way. She must be coddled at home. The kinders was good to. Ms. Angela and I are working on making this big poster of the trip they took a few weeks ago to the aquarium. We are cutting out little fishes and stuff to put on it. It is funny because everything I drew for it, they were all like, "please make me one too, can I have that, etc....." It was so cute. and they would keep coming up and trying to get my attention and show me stuff since I was busy. Kids are so needy. I love it. So cute. Josephine though is just so awful. Today she said the F word, which is like....Idk. I had never even heard of that word until I was like at least 12 (yes very sheltered) and this little girl is saying it?! And the worst thing we can do to her is put her in a five minute time out, which is the highest allowed. I really hope Ms. Angela told her dad after I had to leave and she got picked up, because that is just not something that should be coming out of a little girl's mouth. Well. I am almost done packing. Just trying to fit everything into one bag is kind of a struggle. Wish me luck!!!!

January 10, 2011

So today was a pretty good day. My kids were super adorable. It was a little weird starting the last day of the week since this is like the very last week and all. The preschoolers were pretty uneventful. There was a new kid I've never met before named Josiah, and he is super adorable. The best was in Kinders though that day. Tyree was there again. I love that kid, and I wish he was there more consistently. As soon as I got there he came right up next to me on the carpet and sat next to me and laid his head on my leg. Riley was sitting on my lap and little Kyle was next to me. It was really cute because while Tyree was cuddling with me he told me that he wished I was his mom. At first I was just like, oh kids ya know. They say stuff like that lots. But the teacher in that room, Angie, told me that she thought it was because his mom doesn't give him affection like that. His mom is really nice, but she is young and she is the army person in the family and she is more stern and cold and doesn't show affection really. Angie said he isn't lovey with anyone else like he is with me. It just makes me want a little boy even more. Just like this summer. Wish I could take these kids home with me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011 aka Verona

Well today was our last day of travel before this trip is over. It is so weird. It was so much shorter than my summer adventure, that it feels like I am just getting used to things and now I have to leave. I do want to go home, (traveling around is not quite as much fun in the bitter cold lol) but I am definitely not ready for school to start. That is like the least favorite thing on my list. Except the musical should be really awesome. Anyways, today we traveled to Verona! There were five of us today since Kayanne came, but it was still super awesome. We didn't end up being able to leave til like noon since for some weird reason there were absolutely no regional trains leaving for Verona until noon! I mean seriously. Leaving for everywhere else except where I wanted to go of course. At least there were no tickets today since we more than made sure to validate our tickets. The house of Juliet was amazing. There was writing from everyone like around the world and the walls were covered. I guess every year or so they paint back over it so it is clear for people to write on again. Right now it is completely covered in all of the signatures and hearts people have drawn on it. We borrowed chalk from the center, so it was way easier to write and actually see what we wrote. It didn't matter that the chalk would come off because everyone's stuff gets covered anyways. It is mainly just the symbol of it. So I put DR+CG with a cute heart around it, and the other girls did the same for them and their significant others. We then took pictures of the balcony and stuff. I thought it was so neat to basically like be apart of theShakespeare legend for just that little bit. There is this statue of Juliet there, and it is considered good luck to go up to it and touch her chest. Which is weird, but I don't question the Italians, so we did it. lol. We also got to see the Arena, which is like the colesseum, except a little different. It looked very cool. Verona in general was just a gorgeous city. I loved it so much! We got back around like six or so because we called it a day. Such a great end to an amazing trip, even though it started out a little crappy. Calling it a night! Going to watch letters to Juliet, even though the movie is quite different from reality

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8, 2011 aka Venice! aka -40.50 euro

So today at the very beginning when we were going to Venice everything was going really well. We all got to the breakfast room relatively ontime, grabbed some breakfast and then we walked off base and were heading to the bus stop. We have been using the same bus tickets and not stamping them because it is 2 euro every single time and the ticket checkers rarely get on. And we sat next to the ticket stamper just in case so that we could do it quick if we saw them at a stop. Unfortunately, we got to comfortable in our ways and weren't really looking. Of course the fricken ticket checkers got on our bus and were like pissed we hadn't stamped our tickets. Anyone else who has gotten a fine it has been like 15 euro, and that's what we were warned at the very beginning too. We even tried playing dumb tourist and one of them was nice and was going to let us off it seemed, but the other guy was just like the meanest person ever and was being really really rude to us. Told us we had to pay 42.50 Euro. Really!? Thats almost as much as you have to pay if you are on the expensive Eurostar trains and do your reservation or tickets wrong. So for a bus, that's like unheard of. Of course. Just my luck. But really I was in the wrong. Thanks a ton mom for praying that I always get caught. You now owe me 42.50 Euro (Jk, but seriously). Not not not not fun. They like took our passports and typed everything into little pom piolets, except for Sarah who didn't bring hers, and then were all mean and rude. Except one of them gave Jesa back her passport without making her pay. We are wondering if it is going to be a fine she has to pay before she leaves the country or something. Who knows. But the rest of us were then out 42.50. And I had only 100 Euro left anyways, because that's all I was planning on spending that weekend. Now it is 20 dollars less a day I have. Still pissed when I think about it. So we continue on our way to Venice, and finally get there an hour later and by then we have cooled off some. Venice is absolutely gorgeous! The streets are literally water and then there are bridges over the water streets and stuff. We saw tons of gondalas too. It would have been so much fun to ride one, but we definitely couldn't afford it after we got our crazy lame ticket. So, we devised ways we could get free gondala rides as jokes. It was really cool even just walking around all the streets and stuff. There are really street names, and everything is so twisty. There are alleyways that are so small, so can sit on the wall and put your feet on the other one. But people walk through them a lot there. I could be afraid I like wouldn't fit through or something they look so small. We saw St. Mark's Cathedral and Square. It was beautiful. The clock tower was under construction, but it still looked gorgeous. The church had gold everywhere. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside but I ended up sneaking some. I am afraid I am like going to get kicked out of this country or something. Ten bucks the government doesn't even see half the money these ticket takers steal from people and they just go out and buy booze with it. Not that I am bitter and ranting or anything. Sigh. Anyways back to Venice. Then we saw the Bridge of Sighs, but it was covered in some huge advertisement. The other bridge, B something, was gorgeous, and all the sights from the water were amazing. I wish it was sunny, but I could literally wander the streets all day long there. We went shopping a lot (of course I had less to spend) and I got some souveniers for people and I got myself this really cool masquerade mask. I guess every February in Venice there is a HUGE masquerade ball where everyone ever comes and it is like this intensely massive celebration, so that is why they have these amazing masks all over Italy. I also got a couple more beads for my charm bracelet that are made of glass. Glass is another huge thing Venice is known for. Some of the islands that are just off Venice are basically just for glass blowing and then Venice has glass shops where there is jewelry, dishware, decorations, chandeliers, knick nacks, basically anything you could think of, made of glass. The glass necklaces are just beautiful. I wanted to get a glass ring, but I know I would somehow break it, even though I've heard thats hard to do. Rather have a necklace I am less likely to smash into something. With my luck I would smash a glass ring and the shards would get like jammed way down into my finger. Wow, that would be nasty. We came back pretty earlyish, Like five, which was still a very full day in Venice, and are going to relax, watch a movie, and perhaps make a music video to the angry rap we made about the ticket men. Perfect way to end an amazing and yet oddly eventful day. Til tomorrow!