Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well, I am finally in Italy! Well, for the last two days. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even bother writing. I was literally so dead. I got in in the morning of yesterday, which for me was the 20th, and it was about nine thirty. So when I finally was going to get on the flight, it was like 7 pm the previous day in New York time, which is three hours ahead of Spokane. I finally got ahold of Dilly, and I had said goodbye to my mom and everything, so I was really excited to just get going and finally be in Italy. So I go up and they scan my ticket and it didn't work. I was thinking great....but it actually turned out to be good! I got my new ticket, which was somehow in first class. I about died. I have never ridden in first class before! So I got on the plane and got to sit in this massive chair and I got free champagne and noise canceling headphones and a menu with like three course meals. Holy crap! People are like spoiled in first class. And the chair was so huge and relined all the way back and this foot rest thing popped back. I about died. Well I guess I kind of did since as soon as our meal was over I passed the heck out. I even missed our breakfast, which would have probably been ridiculously amazing in first class ha ha. Well whateves. So I get off the plane in Italy! And customs was so easy to get through. We didn't have any forms or anything to fill out, which i found a little bit odd, cuz you have to do that in the US even if you are going to Hawaii or something. But o well. I'm pretty sure the lady didn't actually look at my passport either when she stamped it. But I was ok with it because I got through faster. Then I go to get my luggage. Stand by the spinning thing for like an hour, and still no luggage. Of course it would be my luck that out of my two bags they lose one of them, and on top of that the one with all my clothes and everything important in it....sigh. I guess that was balancing out luck from somehow getting first class. But as soon as Kori, our PC, picked me up from the airport I had to go to training, which kind of sucked because I was like dying, and I felt kind of like the odd man out since I had just gotten there. But I really wasn't because there were still three more people who had not gotten there yet. So for training we did some paper stuff and then observed in the rooms we will be working in. So for two days I have been with the little kinders, which is like what I had this summer. It was kind of an odd experience at first because all I was doing was comparing these kids to my kids from this summer. I miss them so much still. It was probably also a little bit because I was jetlagged. But it all ended up working out really well. Today especially, even though its only the second day, I felt like I will love these kids as much as my first ones and have a blast with them. (Although I don't know if anyone will ever compare to my Nikolas) Today when I was observing we went outside for like an hour and the little kids were chasing me around and stuff. The have so much energy! They were putting me in a "jail" and then I would escape and stuff. So cute. I was so worn out by the end of the hour. And in the middle of it the other rooms came out too, so there were like a million little kids running around everywhere and screaming and stuff. Ha ha. I love them so much. I do love my kinders, but once in a while I wish I was in the infant room, just so I could hold babies all day. It would be so nice, since I love babies so much. The reason I requested the kinders or preschoolers though is because I want to be able to make actual connections with them, which you can't really do with kids that won't remember you ever. I will be officially starting tomorrow working with the preschooler part day room in the morning and then after the lunch with the kinders. Which is a total cakewalk after their lunch and nap time, so I think it will be really fun. The room I am staying in is so much nicer of a hotel than what I had in Atsugi. This is like three of us to a room, but the room is actually two rooms joined. The first half of it is two queen sized beds, and the other half is a pull out couch with tv and kitchen. And the kitchen actually has like a stovetop and dishwasher and stuff and comes with pans and crap. Its awesome! And internet, which is like yay! Ok, I am dying so I'm going to bed. Still no luggage, its in new york now, which is at least an improvement over Portland I guess. Night!

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