Thursday, December 16, 2010

Second to last American day 12/17

Well, I am FINALLY done with finals and I am getting ready to peace out of the country yet again and go on a new adventure! This was such a long semester, the travel and time with new kids will be well received. I guess even though I will be basically taking care of kids the majority of the time I am there, for me that is one of the most relaxing things in the world. (And of course it helps doing it somewhere else in the world ha ha) But really. Kids are just so refreshing to be around. Which is interesting to think about.... People normally associate maturity with good company, but I have found the opposite true in the last year or so. While it is nice having mature company to talk intelligently to and hang out with, the immaturity and innocence of young kids is one of the most beautiful things ever. I still think about my Nikolas and Jaquin from Japan everyday, and I would choose to hang out with them over going out to dinner or playing board games with friends. Not that I don't completely enjoy those activities. I guess it is just amazing the way kids rationalize and speak about their world. I smile everytime I remember the ridiculous and adorable things Nikolas would say to me on a daily basis. I was never stressed, I was never unhappy, I was never worried. Because that's how my kids were. Naturally I am the opposite; high stress, worry wart, negative. But with my kids, I am more the person I want to be. I love how these children, whose lives have barely started, are able to help me stay more on course with my life and who I want to be. It is God's way of reminding me about the joys in life... through the eyes of a child. And I am so looking forward to finding new Nikolases and Jaquins in Italy to brighten my life and warm my heart. Although right now it is really strange to think about opening my heart to new kids when my summer kids still hold such a close place in my heart. I even got Nikolas a Christmas present that I am going to send tomorrow with a letter and some pictures from this summer. My Nikolas. Goodness. I am tearing up as I write this because I miss him so much.

This semester was a hard one for me. Even though I'm 21 now, sometimes I feel like I am making more mistakes and learning more lessons each year. But I guess that is just part of life. I get sucked in by the negativity, cattiness, judgement, and craziness all around me, and am ashamed to say that sometimes I find myself in the middle of it. Glad I have my family, friends, boyfriend, and kids to pull me back out of it. If you are reading this, please be praying over my trip. For safe travels, personal growth, and that I make an impact on the kids I am with for these next four weeks. I know God has great things in store for me, and I am so thankful that he has again given me the opportunity to stretch myself and rely on him in an unknown environment and situation. I can't wait!

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