Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well, today was a really good day! Unfortunately, I really was exhausted last night and went to bed at like nine thirty which was a really really bad idea. I ended up having a really weird dream about all my teeth falling out and having to have crazy mouth surgery. Not fun! Anyways, that definitely woke me up at like two in the morning, which I am going to blame on jetlag, and couldn't fall back asleep. I got out of bed at five and rented a movie from the hotel desk and watched it and talked on skype with my mommy and Dilly. It was nice to have time to talk to them, and I wasn't really tired. Of course now I am dying. Hopefully today I will be able to get back on track. So today for the first half of the day I worked with the part time preschoolers. They were so stinking cute. I already have my favorite in there, his name is Haiden. Omg, he was this little tiny thing that drew a picture with me at the very beginning and I knew I would love him. The second half of the day I worked with the kinders, which is also awesome, and even better since I observed with them the last two days. Little Kyle was back today, he was there the first day I was, and he ran up and gave me a hug. He is tiny and adorable. He pretended to be sick and lose his voice for part of the time to get out of doing stuff, so he sat in my lap and we read a story. I also love Riley, who is actually kind of a brat, but I really love him. He was playing an educational game on the computer and he asked me to play with him because I was his best friend. I love these kids already. I can't wait to get to know them more. I can't believe tomorrow is our last working day of the week already. At least I have the three day weekend in Rome! Oh Goodness, I should eat, its been since lunch. Have a good night!

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