Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 27, 2010

Today was such a great day! I was back with my kids again, which I absolutely loved. They were all riled up after the weekend of Christmas and were so excited to tell about their presents and santa and stuff. I had a blast with them. Nothing really much happened that day. The most exciting thing I guess was that I got my luggage. It was delivered today and it was just weird. It was massively taped together and they had ripped an entire side of it apart. And then there is a wheel missing too and there is a huge hole in it that you can like see into with. It was ridiculous. I’m so lucky that there was nothing missing. At least I have all of my stuff. Lol. Ok, that’s all really. Night!. Oh, just kidding. The internet in my side of the hall is not working and my camera charger isn’t either. Lol. Whoops. Such bad luck. Not letting anything get to me though! Bye!

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