Saturday, December 18, 2010

8 hrs to go! 12/17/10

Ah. I am so tired, and it is only midnight. Got a lot longer to go before I leave lol. I am staying up all night so that I can pass out on my ten hour connecting flight to Amsterdam. Too bad I have a seven hour layover in Portland prior to leaving and a five hour layover afterwards. Lame! I would much rather sleep than watch movies and stuff on the plane lol. I don't know. I am getting more and more excited! Italy will be really awesome. Especially the food! I sent my Nikolas his christmas present today. I hope that he really enjoys it. Gosh that kid is so special. I spent probably like two hours picking out things to give to him. Oh, my family and I also decorated our Christmas tree today! It was so cute and fun. It was my turn to put the angel on the tree. It is weird to think that it might be my last time doing that before I move out for good and have my own Christmas tree. Growing up is weird! I can't really think of what else to write. Too tired. But I know I will have lots tomorrow. Well..Tomorrow and a half. I will probably end up writing again when I am actually in Vicenza, unless I get too bored in a different airport lol. Til then! Pray for safe travels and sleep!

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