Sunday, December 19, 2010

Slight Detour 12/19/2010

So, Going to Italy has not worked out like I had planned so far lol. I am currently stuck in Portland overnight. Although I don't know if it is technically overnight because it is now three in the morning. lol. My sleep schedule is already way off. I slept from noon yesterday when I finally got to the hotel in Portland until like seven or so. Then I got up and ate dinner, and went back to sleep around nine and woke up at one. So hopefully I will be awake on the plane ride to JFK and then sleep on the plane to Venice and arrive in the morning tomorrow. Although it will still only be like two in the afternoon or so here. I am so hoping that getting to Italy actually works out today. sigh. Praying hard. But everything happens for a reason right? Who knows what God was protecting me from. I guess getting stuck in Portland also is better than being stuck in Amsterdam or something and not be able to go anywhere. So right now in Europe, there is like crazy snow EVERYWHERE and everything is being shut down. KLM airline, which I was set up to take (plane to amsterdam and then amsterdam toVenice) was completely shut down until like Monday. Europe is like Seattle. They are not set up to deal with snow, so when it snows everyone freaks out and shuts down the whole city, or in this case country ha ha. So now the new plan is to leave at like six thirty today and fly to new York, and then from JFK to Venice. Amsterdam, Paris, and Venice, and basically every other city in Europe is accepting in the really big flights that are direct, but they aren't flying the little planes, which makes sense I guess cuz the weather would affect them more. So at least the lady at the airport was able to help me figure out a way to get there today. Out of the two "special services" ladies, I definitely got the nice and helpful lady. The lady next to mine wasn't sending anyone out til Monday at the earliest. Then I would be stuck in Portland for like two days or have to go home and start over. That would have sucked even worse. But my lady worked with me for like almost two hours to figure everything out and then she comped my hotel room and like thirty dollars in meals, which is like ridiculous and they don't do that often. So I was so grateful. Although I made such good use of my hotel room by sleeping so much ha ha. But now i am packing everything back up and getting ready to go start over at the airport in a couple of hours. Sigh. So fingers crossed I actually get there and am not stuck alone in New York, although I would DEFINITELY choose that over being stuck in Portland.Who knows where my adventure will lead me. All I know is that I am safe, well rested for the moment, and ready to head to Italy! I checked the weather for Venice and it looks like it is going to be like 40 degrees all week, which I guess there are like blizzards and stuff in some places. At least my city seems to be doing ok for the moment. Thank goodness. Well, peace out for now! I will write again when I can!

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