Friday, December 31, 2010

December 30, 2010

So today was quite a day. I was by myself with the little preschoolers, which wasn't that bad because there was only five of them but still. Haiden is my favorite and is so cute, but for some reason he refuses to eat ANYTHING. I mean even when we had Macarroni and cheese. What kind of kid doesn't like that. Anyways, during lunch when I was trying to get him to eat this like microscopic piece of chicken he was crying and whining and it was just frustrating. I ended up giving him this little tiny piece of cantelope after almost an hour of trying to get him to eat anything besides a bite of rice. none of the kids in my room are big eaters. I was picky as a kid, but I have always been a really big eater, so it is odd to me that so many kids aren't. There is this other girl, Maria, who just gets on my nerves because like every two seconds I am sternly telling her to stop hitting or stop ripping things out of other kids hands. I don't know why she is such an awful kid. Her dad seems nice, although her mom doesn't. Maybe that is why. Like Nilanie and Mariana from this summer. Bad news. The second half of the day I was with the kinders again, and they were combined with preschool C room. They were so awful! Usually even the kids that are really good were for some reason out of control. Probably because it was the last day before break and they are crazy. Well this one kid Landyn usually is such a sweet heart but when I asked him to sit on the carpet he literally ignored me. Like not just not doing what I asked, but ignoring me and not talking or answering. I was so frustrated. I told him whenever he sat on the carpet quietly he could get snack, but he didn't, so no snack for him. And it was soft pretzals and carrots too with ranch. I think that is a bomb snack. And so then we took all the kids outside after snack, and there are just these awful little kids. In Pre school C there is a kid named Jeremy who doesn't listen to anything, but is the most adorable kid ever. He screamed in Xavier's face and then I asked him, "Jeremy, would you like it if I screamed in your face?" He said, "No, I would like some chocolate ice cream" I was bewildered. This kid is such a cute little space case who completely missed the point. Then Aymani, this little boy from Preschool A or B (they also came out) was walking behind a parent kicking his feet every time he stepped. And then he just drops to the floor crying when he doesn't get his way. And Gregory and Aiden, (Gregory is the bad influence. Aiden doesn't want to be bad, he just is when he hangs out with Gregory) were hitting kids and kicking and punching. One of the people who actually works there and isn't part of camp took these boys into another room and ripped them a new one and was talking to them like all up in their faces. They were better behaved after that. But this was the first day I had to write up an incident or accident report. Altogether it was just crazy. I was very glad it was the last work day this week. Although I absolutely love the kids and have been having so much fun with them! Tomorrow off to Florence!

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